The Ms. Colorado Senior America Pageant is administered by the Colorado Cameo Club under the direction of Rene Green and her dedicated team: Carol Swanson, Production Manager; Judy Rowe, Asst. Product Manager; Yvonne Guzman Rodriguez, Judges' Committee Chair; and Shari Ortiz,Program Book and Ads; and the terrific Cameo volunteers.
For more information, see Ms Colorado Senior America Pageant, email ReneMCSAP@gmail.com or visit Ms. Colorado Senior America Pageant on Facebook. Plan to be inspired!
CONGRATULATIONS to SYLVIA BOYD, Ms Colorado Senior America 2016!
I enjoy entertaining seniors and performing with our senior variety group. Volunteering for Alzheimers organizations, I have become sensitized and frighteninly aware of the devastation to those who have lost precious memories! Memories that contain so much of who we are. We must find a cure for this savage disease! Dad's WWII service resulting in two purple hearts at the Battle of the Bulge instilled a pride in being a patriot to our country, and love and honor to our Creator. I have learned to not admit an end to endurance. "Never give up" was our family's motto. Just like the frog whose head was already down the crane's throat, with his two little arms wrapped around the crane's throat so that he wouldn't be swalloed, we leanerd to "Never Give Up!" I have a beautiful loving, understanding and intelligent daughter, a son-n-law (all 6'6" of him) who loves my daughter with all his hear, and two precious grandboys (12 & 5) who provide me super terrific and never-ending reasons for my heart to smile! WoW! Life is good!
