
Arizona Senior America

The Ms. Arizona Pageant is administered by the Ms Senior Arizona/ America organization under the supervision of Executive Director Herme Sherry and President Ken Sherry, with the help of Assistant Director Jean McCurdy, and MC and Stage Front Director, Danny Davis. Herme reports that,"We have over 100 people who work on our Pageant in some area and everyone is a Volunteer! We are Blessed!!"

Visit Arizona Senior America Pageant,  or Arizona Cameo Foundation  or contact Herme Sherry at msseniorarizona2004@cox.net for more information. Many thanks to Ms Sherry for years of wonderful pageants and phenomenal state queens!


Ms. Senior Arizona, Carol Dana CONGRATULATIONS to CAROL DANA, Ms Arizona Senior America 2014! As Carol tells it:

M y life story has been immensely influenced by my parents. They taught me the importance of achieving an education, developing talents, and managing money through budgeting and physical work. I grew up in Mesa, Arizona. Because both my parents had graduated from college, they also wanted me, along with my brother and sisters, to excel in school.

I graduated from Brigham Young University in 1967 with a major in Dance Education and a minor in English. Later I earned an MA from Chapman University. After my divorce, I taught high school dance and English for 30 years. My life has also been richly enhanced because my parents continually gave me opportunities to learn new skills. I studied piano and organ for several years along with dance lessons beginning at the age of eight. I also gained a love for cooking and sewing when young making many of my own clothes in high school.

In addition to education and developing talents, my parents, through their example, instilled in me a positive attitude toward staying out of debt through money management and working hard. I've learned that physical work has many benefits, but one of the most important is a grateful attitude for what I have. My life changed drastically when my former husband and I divorced when I was 33. The caring for four small children became largely my responsibility. I met this challenge by relying on the teachings of my parents. My education and the talents I had developed were instrumental as a working single mom. My attitude toward managing money and working hard were definitely put to the test. Reflecting back, I feel grateful to my parents for preparing me to embrace these challenges in my life.

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